How to land amazing press coverage for your hospitality or wedding brand

Do you want to know how to work more effectively with editors? We get lots of questions from the community about press coverage - how to get it and if there’s a secret that only PR pros are privy to. And I’m here to tell you, there isn’t.


it’s important to understand some of the pressures an editor is under. They are one of many on a staff, or could be freelancing for a number of different media outlets. They are under a number of constraints from higher ups and really just want to deliver great content for their readers. This means that timely, relevant and NEW insights will not only help them get their story filed quickly but will show them your professionalism long-term. 

The most preferred method of pitching among journalists is email. The vast majority of editors will be heads down writing or in team meetings between 11 and 3 pm. If an editor has given you a deadline, try to beat it by a few hours or even a day in advance. They will so appreciate the promptness and be able to ask you any questions for clarity without feeling the pressure of a looming deadline. 

Your comment should be clear, concise and unique. If an editor taps you for insight on why non-traditional spaces make for a great wedding venue, do a bit of research on Google and see what’s been published out there. And then, develop a comment based on your expertise that offers a fresh perspective. Remember, their goal is to excite and inspire their readers. So, adopt that mindset when you craft your comment. Try and limit your comment to 5-7 sentences. This will be plenty for them to cherry pick thoughts. If they want more from you, they’ll ask. This saves you time but also helps focus your response effectively.

If possible, offer a few photos that reflect your insights alongside your commentary will always be a delightful bonus. They may not use them (again - creative direction may be led by someone else), but the editor will always appreciate that forward-thinking attitude. 

Finally, always include a short one sentence bio that links to your website for proper crediting. If you have included photos, make sure to note the photographer’s name in the email body and the title of the photo. 

Essentially, the more heavy lifting you can do for an editor, the more likely he or she will hit you up again in the future. All these tips will help you curate the perfect press package.

Want more? You’re in luck. We dive so much deeper into this process in The Essential PR & Marketing Field Guide, a self-guided online course for wedding, events and hospitality professionals looking to propel their brands with a smart PR and marketing strategy. Find out more here!